Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nature Walk

Every now and then the girls and I will go on a nature adventure. This week we had a couple of days without extra kiddos and took the opportunity to go out to one of the parks here. It isn't the deep woods of Louisiana, but it works to sooth that need for a deep breath.

Most of the time instead of collecting nature in their basket they collect things like bottle caps, and screws :) Oh well, I really do try. This time we even added to the fun by bringing our dog tank with us. He was so funny. He freaked out about the Canadian geese and just dove off into the water. Needless to say it didn't take long for him to bounce right back out of that very cold water! I could just imagine him saying "It seemed like a good idea at the time".

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Bekah said...

sweet girls! They're getting so big!

Luke said...

Hey warn us if you bring that dog
out cuz my dog is 3 times as big as yours and my rooster is 1/4 his size. So his choice is kill or be one wants to make that choice.