Friday, January 2, 2009

Being Real

I was reading my Mom-in-laws blog few days ago and was reading her entry about how much she appreiciated her kids and their writing, and how glad she is that they are "REAL" when they write. It really has had me thinking about what I write on my blog.

When I was about 13 or so I remember deciding I would not put anything negative or sour in any of my diarys, that way if my daughters ever read them they wouldn't see a grouchy teenager, or hear me talking bad about my siblings :). I guess that I have carried that same thought even into my writing and journaling now.

So... I am going to work on that. Because truthfully I do have bad days, and honestly sometimes I do want to talk bad about my siblings... HEEHEE just kiddin'!
More seriously though, as great and wonderful as my life is, I do have rough days, as do we all!
i think people feel encouraged to know that other people have struggles, but that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

2Co 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.


Luke said...

Hay lace I have the same problem
with my journal but I did write
mean stuff. Thanks it's like you
wrote that to me.

Bekah said...

im a big fan of "realness"...maybe too much sometimes : ) but I do always appriciate your cheery outlook on things... It's a good quality but I know it's kinda of freeing to be able to be real and not always act like things are just happy happy : )
love ya!

Bekah said...

hey! I just wanted to thank you for all of Abbys Christmas goodie s( and mine!) She loves her nightgown especially and I have some pictures of her in it that I'll be posting on my blog very soon. Im so sorry i haven't thanked you before this but Christmas was a blur for us and Im still trying to catch up from it ya!