Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Great visit!

I have been so blessed over the last two months to get  a visit from all of my older siblings. Court and Amber came in November and then Jared got to come for a few days last week. It was a really nice week. We just had a lot of fun hanging out and visiting.

On Wednesday we went around town, and then had lunch. The highlight of our visit, I must say, was hide and seek in the dark with the girls! They had so much fun, that they are still talking about it. :) Then on Friday he went with me to my home school group meeting. I have been teaching a class to the group on Sign Language. Because Jared was there I took advantage of all of the knowledge he has gained for his major, which is Deaf interpretation. He did a little skit in Sign. The kids were so mesmerized!! I had a blast just watching them, and seeing his expressive face. I was so proud of my little brother! (Who is not so little anymore)

I am so glad you came Jared, and I know now that we need to do it more often.

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As you can see the girls had a lot of fun claiming all of his attention!

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