Thursday, February 5, 2009


Ok, things are slowing down after a crazy week and a half. I feel so bad that I have missed so many good blogging opportunities. :) I will catch up though, over the next few days. Our family had the stomach bug over last weekend, which put me behind, because that is usually when I catch up. :) I talked to my sister yesterday and realized that I have got to stop living in this "PRIORITY" mode. Only the absolute priorities get done. All the little things get behind, until they get forced to the top of the list (or the laundry is so high, it literally is the HIGHEST thing in the house). I am frustrated with this way of functioning, but at the same time feel kind of helpless to do anything about it.

I am going to work this week on being more constructive with my time, using it wisely, and doing the important things! :) AND feeling more hopeful to do something about the chaos

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