Sunday, February 8, 2009

My little MONET'S


The girls and I have been learning about Claude Monet in school. I say "the girls and I" because I have truly enjoyed learning with them. It has been very intriguing to me to learn about different artist lives, and work. This week I had the girls study "Monet's Water Lilies" and paint it themselves.


One thing I had to do that was so hard was show them how, and give them an idea of how to search for the colors, but then leave the room. They amazed me at their ability to see the right colors, and mix them, and still keep the painting "impressionist" style.

This is what they came up with






Autumn said...

I love 'em!! Both girls interpreted the Monet work beautifully!!!!

It must be hereditary! :)

Bubba said...

I knew right off it was impressionest style... I'm impressed

Sarah said...

Those pictures are REALLY good! That is great that you are getting to teach them such neat things!

Courtney said...

Very impressive..I agree with Bub :)