Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cluster blogging :)

So my mother in law pointed out something today that I had not noticed about myself. I cluster blog! LOL I get caught up, and then take a nice long break. SO... here I am again to catch up and hopefully get ahead.

The truth is I love to "blog". It's like scrapbooking without all of the expensive embellishments. I love writing down my thoughts about my precious family. I love taking pictures most, and telling you all why they are special to ME!! I take a picture, and I am thinking of a caption to go with it. Either for my scrapbook or for my blog. Problem is, I am so behind I cant fit all of those thoughts into the few blogs that I put up here. So I suppose a summary is necessary for the last month.

Things have been peaceful and every day life just goes on. Everyday life is good! Here is a peak (a piece) into our little life!



Sour cream handed

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Andi's painting and our first tulip!

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Great friends come for a visit, and play days! 


Skating together!! What a sweet Daddy

1 comment:

Autumn said...

That Andi is SASSY!!!! So adorable!!!!
And by the way- you guys look great- I forget that you aren't teenagers anymore!!!:(

Everyday life is best lived EVERY DAY- enjoy it and blog when there's nothing else pressing- (but I love seeing it and wouldn't mind if you blogged daily!!!)