Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Visit from Mom and Dad

My parents came for a visit during spring break and had such a blessed time. It was short, but we managed to cram lots of time into those 3 days. We ran the roads one day, but the rest of the time was just good living room play time, and watching the girls perform their plays, and sitting in lap times!

Mom also had a chance to take some photos of our little family. I am so excited. I had a vision of what I wanted for my living room wall, and she just captured exactly that. Cant wait to show you all how they turned out. I am so glad my family came! It was a blessing to have them. Here is a peak into our week.


Mom made Lexi a quilt for her birthday, and she LOVED it. She has been bringing it through the house wherever she goes (this made Grammy a little nervous I think, but we have been working on keeping it off the floor :)  It is a perfect expression of LEXI!


The three little pigs and the little bad wolf :)


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We made "pel-mainee"  a russian dumpling in broth. OOOH, it was so good. Then one morning, mom made "blinee",like a crepe, for breakfast. YUMMO!

As you can see we had a fantastic visit!


Autumn said...

Looks like a good old fashioned visit-lots of plain old fun!!!!
I love your hair long- it looks so good!!

Autumn said...

Forgot to say how gorgeous that quilt is!!!!
Lucky girl,that Lexi!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey sister i love how we got to spend time together. We must do it again soon