Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New years eve!

AAHH! I thought it would be fun to invite the people from church over to our house for a New Years eve party/game night. SOOO we announced it at church and everyone was really excited. It hit me a few days ago that 50+ people doesn't feel like too many when you are talking about the size of a church body, but when you are talking about how many people will be in MY house at one time, IT'S ALOT! So yeah, I am freaking out just a little. Please pray for me to be calm and not stress about little unimportant things. I want this to be a great time for our church to grow and get to know each other!
P.S. (added later) We had a great party, with lots of our close friends showing up. It was not stressful at all. Not as many people came as I expected. We had a very good time visiting and sharing our yummy foods! One of the couples from church that I really have been wanting to know better, came and stayed really late. Justin and I had a chance to get to visit with them and talk to them way more than we can at church. God knows just what we need!

1 comment:

Bekah said...

woo hoo a party!!! Glad it turned out nice! I wish I could've been there!