Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Andrea's birthday!

I am so upset that the sweet pictures from Andrea's birthday will not download. I promise I will get them up soon. She had a wonderful little party with her friend Audrey. We got her a "little tikes" castle which she loves. She had such a fun day. She enjoyed telling everyone at church that she was three and everytime anyone asked her how old she was she would hold up her three fingers and then say "You can sing me happy birthday if you want!!" Is that not the cutest thing you have ever heard! Also the morning of her birthday we were cuddling and I was telling her how now she got to hold up three fingers because she was a big girl, she got a very excited expression and asked "Can i DRIIIVE now?!!" LOL! I love my baby girl so much! Cant wait to show you the pictures!

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