Friday, April 10, 2009

Justin Blu

Today I just want to cry out to God, and all who will listen. I want to tell you how thankful I am for the husband God gave me. He is everything I need and so much more.

This was driven home the last few days. We have been talking/struggling through an issue. It was a long three days of frustration and some arguing. The issue is not the point, there is no need to tell what it was about, or why we argued. The point is how peace came back to our marriage and how thankful I am for it.

We came to a peaceful place because we talked to it out until we were done. We didn't walk away still angry and hope it worked itself out. He didn't give up trying to understand my perspective, or give up the opportunity to share his.

Communication has always been the strongest thing about our relationship, from the first time we wrote an email to each other (oh, little butterflies in my tummy) to now when we have learned even more how to talk things out. Justin really is the one who taught me how to communicate and work things through all the way. I remember when we first started getting serious and he would get so agitated with me, and tell me to just "say what you are trying to say, stop worrying about my feelings". And I would get so upset with him about being so "Harsh" as I called it. It is SO amazing to me the place that we are now, the middle ground we have found. My heart just overflows with gratitude when I think of all of the marriages that fail because people cant express themselves, and share without everything exploding.

I am so grateful for my Justin Blu because even in the frustrating moments he can be logical and Godly. I am so thankful to my God for giving Justin the desire to love me. I am so thankful to Justin's parents for raising him in a way that he desired this healthy form of communication. I am so thankful that he is willing to make sacrifices for us.

I absolutely adore my husband, and I feel absolutely protected by him. He is the knight in shining armor that I always dreamed of. By that I mean that he is a warrior. He stands for what he believes in and protects his family at all costs. BUT... he is submissive enough to be under the leadership of his God, and in turn leads his little family! That is a true warrior! A man who can lead, but be lead.

It is so hard to put Justin in a nutshell. So I won't! I pray that if you are searching for this kind of Godly man that you find him. I know I prayed hard for my man, and God blessed me beyond what I could have ever imagined!


Bubba said...

haouw saweeet! Thanks for sharin.
love ya lace,

Bekah said...

" But I have trusted in Your mercy; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.I will sing to the LORD, Because He has dealt bountifully with me."Ps 13:5-6
Praise God!!! for making our lives so much richer by giving us the leadership that our hearts cry for...I never take for granted spiritual counsel and leadership from Andrew because I remember all to clearly when there was no hope in my heart at all that I would ever see that kind of leadership in him...THANK GOD FOR DEALING MERCIFULY WITH US!

Autumn said...

AMEN and AMEN!!!!!

Courtney said...

aw, sweet stuff. He is lucky his woman doesnt mind sharing that with the world ..I know he knows :) So glad you guys are good :)

Genesis said...

I just found your blog and I loved this post! So often I hear women complaining about their husbands and it makes me so sad - this post was such a great testimony to God's faithfulness in marriage and when we put our trust in Him. Just beautiful!!