Friday, November 21, 2008

Skating : 0

Today, the older two girls and I were able to go to a skating birthday party for their little friend Jillian.  It was a lot of fun. Lexi and Jilli have been really good friends since we moved here to Lubbock. Lexi was only 2 and a half when we moved here, so they have had a whole 4 years of playing together, dressing up, birthday parties, museum trips, and just plain having fun.

Today was not only a blast for the girls but I had a whole lot of fun too. I was brave and decided to put on a pair of skates. I used to LOVE to roller blade and roller skate when I was little. It was so much fun teaching the girls. They were both troopers. As many times as Jenna fell she never got tired of it the whole two hours we were there. I even got to impress them with by skating backwards! It was so cute seeing how excited they were. Lexi kept saying "Mommy, your DOING it!! "Good job mommy, your doing it"

Sweet girls! It was a good time for us! We had a lot of fun! IMG_5790 IMG_5793IMG_5796  IMG_5795

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it fun to go do things like that with your kids? Last time I went skating with my kids, I figured out that I was still decent at it! (surprise!) So I was showing of a little and decided I would turn around to skate backwards in the direction opposite from what I usually did it. NOT a good idea! I fell of course and landed on the wheel. I had a perfectly round, deep purple bruise on the back of my leg for quite a while to remind me to be content with the things I could still do, not try something new to that degree!!