Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No school

Yep, I am confessing! I did not do school today with the girls. WHY!!?
Because I needed to be renewed! My heart was tired, my body was weary, and I felt on the verge of tears. I asked myself what would help me feel better?!

Ps 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me."

In my case today it was a clean house. It renewed my spirit. I know it sounds funny, but as I cleaned, i thought through some things that needed to be thought through.

I asked myself "Why do you feel so frustrated?" "Why do you feel so tired?" As I cleaned I didnt come up with any answers but i did decide this... stop complaining and DO something about it!
I took a deep breath, and I took action. (at least in my head :)

SOO... cleaning my house cleaned my heart, and renewed a steadfast spirit within me! Thank you God for doing the work inside me, while I did the work on my little home. I feel better inside and out!

What gives you a renewed spirit!? What helps you take a new breath and start fresh? Please tell me, I really do want to know. Is it nature, friend time, scrapbooking, golfing... what is it!?
Please share!


Courtney said...

yes, cleaning and organizing do that for me. It helps to get a clear head and feel good about my accomplishments...good job. We need to do that some days. Its okay to put stuff aside, then pick it back up when we are better equipped to handle it!

Toni Burns said...

I am so excited to have found your blog. Hope all is going well. Look forward to reading more!

Anonymous said...

A good long talk with my sister or reading a book in the sunshine. KK

I'll call you soon

Anonymous said...

UMMMMMM>>>>Holding my grandkids close(in person!!0 and playing with them. It really works best if I get to do it immediately- like RIGHT NOW!!!

It wouldn't be right to to let me languish in frustration like this, now would it,Lacey????
