Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm a big girl... #5

IMG_5537       (Granny, you cant tell in the picture, but she has her hair bands in with piggy tails!)

As I watched all of our friends shower my baby girl with gifts my heart swelled with pride. Not because I wanted all those extra toys, or because she even needed them, but because I saw the love that each of those gifts held. Each person that gave her a gift knew my baby! (not so baby anymore!) They gave her gifts that they KNEW she would love, and be grateful for. She received so many nice things. The thing that meant most to me though, was the people that came to her party. They love my Jenna girl, and I am so grateful for that. We are blessed with true, good, and loyal friends! Thank you God for that.


Princess Jenna truly enjoyed her day of being treated like royalty! She was the princess that invited all of her princess (and prince) friends. Because it was a dress up party, there was lots of changing outfits. You will notice about 4 or five wardrobe changes!

She was blessed with lots of friends, big and small!

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We played lots of princess games. Pin the crown on the princess, pass the frog (hot potatoe) and musical thrones!


And we decorated crown for the royalty to wear!

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We have a tradition with the girls where they get to pick and make their own cake! It is a lot of fun, and we usually get pretty creative with it! Jenna used candy on hers this year! Yummy!


Thanks again Ashleigh for all of your help. I couldn't have pulled it off without you!


Friday Outing

  On Friday morning the girls and I (all five of them) went to the Science Spectrum. It was a lot of fun. Here are a few silly shots I caught as they were playing


Grace and Audrey on the Fire truck "CHEEEESE"



The Three Amigos!


Here is Audrey and Andi playing the drum! Aren't they so cute. (Yes, I did make them stop the repetitive loud sound as soon as I took the picture :)


Grace, our little weather girl!

It was a good day!

So many things to be thankful for!


So many things have happened this week that have reflected God's amazing provision. Really though there have been things that have happened this week that I realize are not even needs really, just things that God has blessed us with because He wants to.



The biggest and most significant day of this week was today. It marked the last day of Justin's training. He is a true Lubbock Police Officer. He drove his car home for the first time last night, with lights going, and as he pulled up he "yipped" (that's really what that little chirp horn is called) at us. It was so fun to go and sit in his car and look at all the little buttons and gadgets. He took us all for a ride around the neighborhood this morning. I am so proud of him. He has worked so hard, for so long to come to this stage of our life. We are finally done with "training", and we are moving forward.  Praise God for that! God also provided the mid-night shift for Justin. It is the shift we prayed for. It really fits the place that our family is at right now. I am so relieved to know we will have him home in the evenings again.  We wont have any holidays this year, but we kinda knew that from the beginning. I guess we will have to do like Courtney and Amber do, have Christmas on the Eve, or on another day. Who knows!


Another little praise (big for me:) is that I found the table I have been looking for since we moved into the new house. I really wanted something for my living area before my sisters came this month. (I get to see BOTH Courtney and Amber and their families within a month. Court and her crew at the beginning of Nov. and Amber and her crew at the end of Nov.) I couldn't find THE table that I had in my head, or that I could afford. I found it on Craig's list for FREE! I got this table and two side tables. I expected a junker that I could refinish and make work. But I love it, and it fits perfect. I know God orchestrated the whole thing, and it makes me so thankful!


SO Court, and Amber now my living room will be mostly decorated when you come. It is so important to me that you feel cozy in my home! I cant wait to see you!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No school

Yep, I am confessing! I did not do school today with the girls. WHY!!?
Because I needed to be renewed! My heart was tired, my body was weary, and I felt on the verge of tears. I asked myself what would help me feel better?!

Ps 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me."

In my case today it was a clean house. It renewed my spirit. I know it sounds funny, but as I cleaned, i thought through some things that needed to be thought through.

I asked myself "Why do you feel so frustrated?" "Why do you feel so tired?" As I cleaned I didnt come up with any answers but i did decide this... stop complaining and DO something about it!
I took a deep breath, and I took action. (at least in my head :)

SOO... cleaning my house cleaned my heart, and renewed a steadfast spirit within me! Thank you God for doing the work inside me, while I did the work on my little home. I feel better inside and out!

What gives you a renewed spirit!? What helps you take a new breath and start fresh? Please tell me, I really do want to know. Is it nature, friend time, scrapbooking, golfing... what is it!?
Please share!

Fall family night...


Last Friday night the girls and I got to go to a fall fun night at one the families house from our home school group. It was so much fun. We did miss Daddy though. He had to work. There were so many little things to do and enjoy.

Games, food, roasting marshmallows, hay ride, and of course just spending good time with good friends! We have really enjoyed being a part of this group. All of these people are just normal people striving to do the best thing for their family. It feels so good to share ideas, and dreams for our time at home with our kids. One of these families have started going to church with us. Also the Mom (Ashley) will be teaching my girls piano. I am SO excited. It is one of those things I have always wanted to do. Who knows, maybe I will learn a little bit too!

Hope your week has been great! God Bless!IMG_5455

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Enjoying God's Little and Big Creations!


We had a great couple of weeks. Lots of learning and discovering!! We are studying some really fun things in school this year, and I am trying really hard to let these girls experience God's creation first hand. One of the things we did last week was go star gazing. WE are studying the planets and constellations. We drove outside the city limits and stared at the sky. We found the big dipper, found what I think was Venus, and just enjoyed country sounds!! When we got home Lexi jumped out of the car, looked up and asked "Mommy, where did all the stars go?" Yes, this is one major downfall of living right smack in the middle of a large city.

Then today we went on a nature walk with my friend Angie and her 3 kiddo's. I was so blessed by the breeze and the sunshine. I needed it. Those girls had a blast too. We discovered so many little things! Caterpillars, prairie dogs, flowers, beetles, cat tails, and even got to feed the ducks! We had so much fun! It was a good day!


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